Real estate agency service
Our Office is a member of the country-wide network of Ügyvédházak (in English: Attorney’s Houses), a real-estate agency run by attorneys-at-law.
Budapest – district VI.
Budapest – district V.
Members of the Ügyvédházak network, who are exclusively attorneys-at-law and law firms, perform real-estate agency activities as an addition to their work as attorneys, a right expressly granted by the act on the activities of attorneys-at-law.
By using the slogan “My attorney is also my real-estate agent!” the Ügyvédházak network wishes to communicate to the public the fact that attorneys and law firms are entitled by law to perform real-estate agency activities. Further information about the Ügyvédházak network is available on the network’s website and youtube channel.
Members of the Ügyvédházak network perform their real-estate agency activities as part of their work as attorneys and according to the provisions of the law and the attorneys’ code of ethics. The members of Ügyvédházak are supervised by their bar associations and are protected by liability insurance.
The goal of the members of the network is to provide competitive services on the Hungarian real-estate market by utilizing their knowledge acquired through their university studies and their experience on real-estate law. Members of the network also provide professional legal services regarding the real-estates by drafting and arranging for the signature of high-quality contracts and also regarding the representation of their clients before the land authorities.
You may safely trust us with the performance of any processes and tasks regarding real-estate sale-and-purchase or other agreements, and also any escrow services. We perform all our work in strict accordance with the law and through the cooperation with other members of the network.