DÓDA Balázs Dr, attorney-at-law, tax consultant
He completed his legal studies at Pazmany Peter Catholic University. Later, became interested in economic and financial law during university years, so he also studied at the Faculty of International Management and Business at the Budapest Business School. After gaining his law degree, he started working as a trainee private bailiff officer in 2006.
Since his main interest field was taxation, he spent a total of 8 years at the Tax and Financial Control Administration, at which he have worked 5 years at the Tax Directorate of the Significant Taxpayers. He has got the opportunity to participate in the overall tax audit of the major taxpayers (mostly multinational companies), and to carry out the administrative procedure that formalized the audit’s statements.
Due to his various experience he gave lectures to taxpayers on complicated tax related topics on forums organized by the tax administration. He also published in tax journals.
Due to his outstanding work and experience with the tax authority, he received one of the highest gold medal honours from the President of the Hungarian Tax Authority.
Pursuant to working in the tax administration for several years, he switched for a tax consultant office in the city centre and then worked as a lawyer for another tax consultant office. Since 2018, he runs his own practice as a private attorney in the field of tax consultancy, tax-related representation and economic criminal law.
He has ten years of experience both the theoretical and practical part of taxation, especially in the field of tax optimization and tax audits. He is also familiar with payment facilitation and enforcement procedures, taxation cases, litigious and non-litigious proceedings relating to certain corporate matters and economic criminal cases.
Currently works in cooperation with Havas-Sághy & Partners Law Office.
Spoken languages: English, German