Legal blog - Family

Sharenting: sharing of the child’s pictures by the parents

Sharenting: sharing of the child’s pictures by the parents

The term ’sharenting’ first appeared in the international media, as a mixture of the words ’share’ and ’parenting’. This term refers to parents who share an excessive amount of their – usually infant – child on the internet. In this article, we introduce the dangers and legal aspects of sharenting.

2024-01-24, Family
Child support vs. inflation: what can we do to preserve the child support’s value?

Child support vs. inflation: what can we do to preserve the child support’s value?

Recent armed conflicts around the globe have shown to have great impact on our everyday lives: child support is one such impacted area. According to the data of the Central Statistics Office of Hungary (KSH), the consumer prices in Hungary have increased by 15,6 percent from 2021 to 2022. This drastic inflation also affects the value of paid child support. This article is about the possibilities to preserve the child support’s value.

2024-01-22, Family
Changes regarding the rules of joint parental control

Changes regarding the rules of joint parental control

An amendment to the provisions of the Civil Code on the exercise of joint parental responsibility entered into force on the 1st January 2022, according to which the legislator allows the court to decide on joint exercise of parental custody and alternate custody even at the request of only one of the parents, provided that it is in the best interests of the minor child. We hereby introduce the most important aspects of the amendment.

2022-02-01, Family

Legal aspects of foreign marriages in Hungary

Getting married abroad is becoming ever more common – as a result of the globalized world, people are becoming more and more mobile, and they also get to know a lot more people from different nations. Nowadays international couples are very common, but they also have to choose a place to live: which country are they going to make their home? What happens if a Hungarian citizen marries a non-Hungarian?

2020-09-03, Civil, Family


